Nahla Jemni interview

NEUROTEC Interview Series #1. Nahla Jemni Damer

NEUROTEC Interview Series #1 features Nahla Jemni Damer, a CTB-UPM researcher working on novel, high-precision medical treatments for age-related macular degeneration.

The NEUROTEC Community gathers researchers from different fields and disciplines focused on the study of the brain. “NEUROTEC Interview Series” will explore the work and careers of prominent members of the community.

The inaugural interview of the series features Nahla Jemni Damer, researcher at the Center for Biomedical Technology and recent recipient of the Cajal Chair, among 260 nominations, for her project “Implantable micro-bioreactors of probiotic bacteria for engineering and in situ delivery of therapeutic molecules – Development of a novel, high-precision medical treatment for age-related macular degeneration”.

Cátedra Cajal

Cátedra Cajal was created in 2022 by the University of Zaragoza together with the Fundación Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, the Fundación Merck Salud and the Fundación Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica, and with Janssen as a collaborating entity. Its main objectives are to promote the most innovative research in biomedical sciences, to disseminate the life and work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal and his disciples, and to develop a policy of practical training for university students and human health professionals.

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