Human Motor Circuits: Interdisciplinary Meeting of the Spanish EBRAINS Node. 28-29 november 2024

The meeting will examine human brain circuits related to motor function, dysfunction and rehabilitation, integrating computational tools with experimental data. 28-29 november 2024

Our aim is to foster constructive and fruitful discussions about motor circuits in health and disease, to explore how EBRAINS tools and services can assist neuroscientists in this field, and to connect researchers working in this area.

EBRAINS is the European open research infrastructure that gathers data, tools, and computing facilities for brain-related research. It provides access to a free and open database of neuroscience data, computational models, and software tools.

The sessions will take place on 28-29 November in the Aula Cajal of the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid, an emblematic space where Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal taught, preserving  important memories and vestiges of his teaching career.

Registration will be available soon.

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