Academic Orientation

The UPM offers on its website general information of interest to new students, including information on:

Additionally, there is the academic and professional guidance provided by the Program Coordinator, the members of the Academic Committee of the Program and the teaching staff.

Before joining the program, the degree coordinating team solves the orientation needs of the students in terms of suggesting subjects based on the students’ knowledge and objectives.

A welcome lecture will be given by a renowned professional in the field of neurotechnology.

In the first weeks of the academic year, the coordinator meets individually with the students of the degree, in order to better understand their expectations, interests and be able to carry out orientation in the search for the subject of Final Master’s Thesis corresponding tutor.

In this academic orientation, it is also important to mention the wide range of external curricular practices that occur in the degree during the second semester of teaching.

Likewise, it is noteworthy that due to their active involvement in research, development, innovation and technology management tasks, the teaching staff is perfectly qualified to professionally guide students, providing guidance on their professional future not only through contacts in the companies in the sector but with other professional opportunities (for example, in the completion of a doctorate).

Finally, the Center has a webpage for offers of scholarships and employment and the University has a service for guidance and information on employment.

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Professors and Learning centers

The MUNEUROTEC Master takes advantage of the heterogeneous research force of the UPM, with the participation of specialists from different schools. The teaching center responsible for the program is the Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering. The Faculty of Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Civil Engineering have participated in the creation

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Admission Criteria

The Master’s Degree in Neurotechnology at the UPM is aimed at graduates in biomedical engineering, which will be the recommended entry profile. In addition, graduates in other branches of engineering, such as telecommunication engineering, industrial and automatic engineering, data engineering, or computer engineering, which will constitute the additional entry profile,

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