Admission Criteria

The Master’s Degree in Neurotechnology at the UPM is aimed at graduates in biomedical engineering, which will be the recommended entry profile. In addition, graduates in other branches of engineering, such as telecommunication engineering, industrial and automatic engineering, data engineering, or computer engineering, which will constitute the additional entry profile, may also be admitted to the Master’s Degree.

Given that this Master’s degree has a very specialized focus, it is considered that students coming from degrees other than those specified above do not meet the minimum requirements for admission in the first instance.

Once the deadline for admission applications has closed, a series of criteria based on a scoring system (max. 10 points) will be used for the selection of candidates, as detailed below:

  • Your academic record of the degree that gives you access to the program and University of origin The average grade of the transcript will be valued.

  • Your interest and motivation, as well as your research experience in related degrees.

  • Positive reports, in writing, and letters of recommendation or other reports provided. Those from professors of the Program and from other departments or universities will be valued.

  • Other optional academic or professional merits.

In addition, applicants must certify a level of English proficiency equivalent to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Since the totality of the credits of the subjects of this degree will be taught in English, it will not be necessary for non-Spanish speaking students to certify their knowledge of Spanish.

In general, the personal characteristics of the appropriate entry profile should correspond to people with a natural interest in neurotechnology, demonstrated self-initiative and capacity for self-organization at work, vocation for the discovery of new knowledge and participation in R+D+i teams, decision-making capacity, leadership in teamwork, and ability to move in multidisciplinary environments both nationally and internationally.

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Enrollment Procedure

Pre-registration or application for admission is made through the telematic application of the Technical University of Madrid. Following these instructions. Once admitted, registration must be done online with the Automatrícula tool. More information and enrollment calendar on the UPM master enrollment website.In addition, it is recommended to read: “What do

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