Complementary training courses

Students admitted to the Master’s Degree from a Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering will have direct access to the degree without the need to take complementary courses. Those coming from other, will have to take up to 9 ECTS of complementary training, which will be optional subjects and will not be part of the credits of the Master.

In the case of admission from these other degrees, the Master’s Academic Committee will specify in a personalized way the training complements for each admission profile. Specifically, graduates from engineering degrees other than biomedical engineering must take complementary training courses on the fundamentals of biomedical technologies in neurotechnology, as well as on the fundamentals of physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system.

As criteria to be used by the Admission and Selection Body for the definition of the specific training complements, the previous knowledge, competences and skills acquired by the applicants (according to their academic record and their attached documentation) will be taken into account.

The subjects that will make up the complete list of the training complements that will be offered are the following:

  • Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering for Neurotechnology – 3 ECTS.
  • Introduction to Neurophysiology and Neurophysiopathology – 6 ECTS.

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Enrollment Procedure

Pre-registration or application for admission is made through the telematic application of the Technical University of Madrid. Following these instructions. Once admitted, registration must be done online with the Automatrícula tool. More information and enrollment calendar on the UPM master enrollment website.In addition, it is recommended to read: “What do

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